CalorieCounter Frequently Asked Questions

CalorieCounter Frequently Asked Questions. CalorieCounter: Snap, track, and manage daily calories effortlessly. Capture your intake and expenditure with ease for a healthier you!

CalorieCounter FAQ

What is CalorieCounter?

CalorieCounter enables you to effortlessly snap and track your calorie intake and expenditure.

How to use CalorieCounter?

Take a photo of your meal to get a detailed calorie and protein analysis.

How does CalorieCounter work?

It uses AI technology to analyze the calorie and protein content from your meal photos.

Can AI count calories?

Yes, our AI provides accurate calorie and protein content analysis.

Does CalorieCounter consider workouts?

Yes, it adjusts calorie recommendations based on your exercise routine.

How do I save my meals?

Tell CalorieCounter to save your meal under specific categories, like 'Lunch'.

What happens if CalorieCounter misidentifies my meal?

You can easily correct any mistakes by swapping out incorrect ingredients for an accurate count.

Is CalorieCounter available for download?

CalorieCounter is available as a Progressive Web App (PWA) and will soon be downloadable on the App Store and Google Play.