Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions. At, we specialize in providing businesses with API solutions that streamline job listing processes. Our goal is to offer reliable, easy-to-integrate tools that enhance services and contribute to clients' success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is offers cutting-edge API solutions for job listing management, designed to simplify and enhance the way businesses handle job data integration.

How to Implement API?

Our API is designed to be easily integrated. Just follow the step-by-step guide in our documentation to start accessing dynamic job listings with ease.

What is the Job Stream API?

The Job Stream API provides instant access to a wide array of current EU job listings, removing the need for tedious manual data entry.

Is the API Compatible with My Existing System?

Yes, our developer-friendly API comes with clear, detailed documentation, making integration quick and straightforward.

What Job Listing Attributes Are Available?

Our API provides over 55 attributes for every job listing to ensure you receive the exact data you need.

Where Does the Data Come From?

We aggregate job data from more than 20 continuously updated sources, ensuring you have access to the latest listings.

How Many Times Can I Access the Same Data Record?

There’s no limit on access frequency; pay once per data record and use it as much as needed.

How Do I Obtain the Data?

Choose between on-demand data access or scheduled delivery via webhooks and integrations using our Feed API.

Are the Job Listings Kept Up-to-Date?

Absolutely. Our API guarantees real-time job listing updates from multiple sources.

Can I Customize the Job Data?

Yes, you can tailor job data retrieval using multiple filter options to match your specific criteria.

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