Bulk ChatGPT Prompter - Chrome Extension Introduction

Bulk ChatGPT Prompter - Chrome Extension Introduction. Boost productivity with Bulk ChatGPT Prompter! Effortlessly upload & manage multiple prompts in one go with this easy-to-use Chrome extension.

Bulk ChatGPT Prompter - Chrome Extension Website screenshot

What is the Bulk ChatGPT Prompter Chrome Extension?

The Bulk ChatGPT Prompter is a Chrome extension designed to enhance your ChatGPT experience by allowing you to upload and manage multiple prompts in one go, using a CSV file for seamless integration.

How to use the Bulk ChatGPT Prompter Chrome Extension?

1. Install the extension directly from the Chrome Web Store.
2. Upload your pre-prepared prompts using a CSV file.
3. Adjust the delay between prompts for a smooth execution process.
4. Continue working without worrying about losing focus on active tabs.