Brilliant Labs Features

Brilliant Labs Features. Brilliant Labs is an open-source ecosystem that supports developers and creatives in reimagining the future of augmented reality (AR) through pocket-sized AR devices. The goal is to make AR beautiful, affordable, and accessible.

Brilliant Labs's Core Features

Open-source platform for AR innovation

Compact and portable AR devices

Durable unibody design

Integration with the arGPT app for enhanced AR experiences

Convenient on-the-go charging case

Living documentation continuously updated for developers

Customizable open-source codebase

StreamLogic drag-and-drop FPGA interface

Support from a vibrant community of creators

Easy development with minimal coding required

Brilliant Labs's Use Cases

Education: Augment learning with AR overlays and interactive content

Exploration: Discover new places and understand your environment through AR

Navigation: Utilize AR to navigate unfamiliar locations

Personal Assistants: Develop custom applications for AR devices

Practical Applications: Explore AR's potential across various industries and scenarios