Auto Translation & Dubbing Frequently Asked Questions

Auto Translation & Dubbing Frequently Asked Questions. Auto Translation & Dubbing: Convert Videos to 12+ Languages. Share your English-speaking videos globally with natural, personalized dubbing. Make your voice heard!

FAQ about Auto Translation and Dubbing

What is Auto Translation and Dubbing?

We transform your English videos into over a dozen languages so your content can reach a global audience, maintaining a voice that sounds just like yours!

How do I use Auto Translation and Dubbing?

Just upload your video and choose your desired language for translation and dubbing.

Which languages are supported?

We offer translation from English to Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.

What do I receive after my video is processed?

You'll receive an email with download links for the translated video, an audio-only track, a new voice track, an English transcript SRT, and a translated transcript SRT.

Can the system handle thick accents?

Our system is designed to handle various accents. If any words are missed, you can edit the transcript and reprocess it for free.

How long does processing take?

Processing typically takes about three times the length of the original video.

Can multiple speakers be translated in a video?

Yes, we can translate videos with multiple speakers, provided each person speaks for at least 20 seconds and you have permission to clone their voices.

Is there a refund policy?

We aim to provide a great experience and offer refunds if you are not satisfied or if a competitor produces a better-dubbed video. See our refund policy for details.