AskElle Frequently Asked Questions

AskElle Frequently Asked Questions. Find love smarter with AskElle, the iOS dating advice app offering real-time voice and chat interaction for personalized guidance and tips.

FAQ from AskElle

What is AskElle?

AskElle is a mobile app available on iOS, enabling users to interact with a virtual dating coach through voice or chat to receive personalized advice. It is tailored to provide safe advice primarily for teenagers.

How to use AskElle?

Simply download the app on your iPhone, and engage with Elle's avatar to get real-time responses to any dating queries you may have.

Is AskElle available on Android?

Currently, AskElle is exclusive to iOS devices. Android users will need to wait for future releases.

Is AskElle's advice safe for teenagers?

Absolutely. AskElle has been developed to ensure that the advice provided is appropriate, safe, and actionable for a teenage audience.