ApplyGPT - Chrome Extension Frequently Asked Questions

ApplyGPT - Chrome Extension Frequently Asked Questions. ApplyGPT - Chrome Extension: Your AI-powered job application assistant. Auto-fills forms instantly, saving you time and boosting your job search efficiency!

FAQ about ApplyGPT - Chrome Extension

What is ApplyGPT?

ApplyGPT is an AI-powered Chrome extension that simplifies the job application process by automatically filling out forms using advanced AI technology from OpenAI.

How to use ApplyGPT?

To use ApplyGPT, input your details into the extension settings, go to a job application site, activate ApplyGPT, check the filled-out application, make any necessary adjustments, and then submit it confidently.

Is an OpenAI API key required for ApplyGPT to function?

Yes, ApplyGPT needs an OpenAI API key to utilize AI capabilities for automated form filling and cover letter creation.