AiPrice - AI Token Pricing Calculator API Introduction

AiPrice - AI Token Pricing Calculator API Introduction. AiPrice - AI Token Pricing Calculator API: Estimate your OpenAI prompt costs easily by calculating token usage and applying OpenAI pricing. Accurate cost estimates instantly!

AiPrice - AI Token Pricing Calculator API Website screenshot

What is AiPrice - AI Token Pricing Calculator API?

AiPrice is a specialized API designed to estimate the costs associated with your prompts sent to the OpenAI API. By counting the tokens in your input and applying OpenAI's pricing structure, AiPrice provides an estimated cost for using the OpenAI service. Please note that these costs are only estimates.

How to use AiPrice - AI Token Pricing Calculator API?

To get started with AiPrice, sign up using your email to obtain an API key. Once you have the key, make a POST request to '' including parameters such as 'model' (the specific OpenAI model) and 'content' (your input prompt). The API will respond with the token count for your prompt and an estimated cost based on the pricing plans from OpenAI.