AiCanvas Features

AiCanvas Features. AiCanvas: Effortlessly create and modify images & videos with advanced AI. Add text, graphics, and animations to bring your vision to life!

AiCanvas's Core Features

AI-powered image and text generation

Advanced in/out painting capabilities

Object removal from images

AI-based image scaling

Support for gifs, videos, lotties, and rive animations

Access to a wide range of free web resources, including gifs, lotties, stickers, shapes, and photos

Freehand drawing mode for custom creations

Quick export and download options for videos and images

  • AiCanvas Support Email & Customer Service

    If you need assistance, contact our customer service at: [email protected].

  • About AiCanvas

    AiCanvas is developed by Caitun Intelligence Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Learn more about us by visiting our about page.

  • AiCanvas Pricing

    For pricing details, visit: our pricing page.