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How to Use AI Chat?

Using AI Chat is simple. Sign up with your phone number, agree to receive text messages, and you're all set. You can start chatting with your AI bot from your messaging app, customize its personality, tone, and style, and enjoy its long-term memory feature. Commands like `/image` allow for AI-powered image generation. AI Chat makes seamless and enjoyable conversations, motivational support, unbiased advice, health information, bedtime stories, and life hacks easily accessible.

AI Chat's Core Features

  • Personalized AI chatbot interactions

  • Customizable bot personality, tone, and style

  • Long-term memory to retain chat context

  • AI-powered image generation with `/image` command

  • Seamless messaging without internet

  • Encouraging and uplifting messages

  • Unbiased third-party opinions and advice

  • Health and wellness tips and reminders

  • Bedtime stories for children

  • Practical life hacks for daily tasks

AI Chat's Use Cases

  • Engaging in friendly and enjoyable conversations

  • Finding motivation and encouragement

  • Seeking non-judgmental advice and opinions

  • Accessing health and wellness information

  • Enhancing bedtime routines with stories

  • Discovering useful life hacks