Ahoy.Ai - Chrome Extension Frequently Asked Questions

Ahoy.Ai - Chrome Extension Frequently Asked Questions. Streamline your meetings with Ahoy.Ai - the Chrome Extension that makes scheduling a breeze. Say goodbye to the hassle of coordinating time zones and availability!

Frequently Asked Questions about Ahoy.Ai - Chrome Extension

What is Ahoy.Ai?

Ahoy.Ai is a web extension designed to enhance your meeting scheduling experience. By reminding you to cc meet@ahoy.ai when composing emails on Gmail, it simplifies the entire process, saving you time and effort.

How do I use Ahoy.Ai?

Using Ahoy.Ai is effortless. Simply compose your email in Gmail, and when the extension detects an intent to meet, it prompts you to CC meet@ahoy.ai for scheduling assistance. It's as easy as that!

How does Ahoy.Ai determine the intent to meet?

Ahoy.Ai leverages a sophisticated meeting scheduling algorithm. By scanning your email content for keywords or phrases related to meeting arrangements, it accurately identifies the intent to meet, ensuring that no meeting request goes unnoticed.