Weploy.ai is a cutting-edge tool for rapid app translation. This platform simplifies the localization of apps by providing an open-source npm package and a free API key. By leveraging advanced AI, Weploy.ai offers seamless integration of multilingual support without the usual hassles of internationalization.
To translate your app using Weploy.ai, follow these straightforward steps: 1. Sign up to receive a free API key. 2. Install the Weploy.ai npm package. 3. Allow the AI to process and translate your app's text. You can also modify the AI-generated translations if needed to ensure they meet your standards.
Join the Weploy.ai community on Discord: https://discord.gg/XSAdaGNB9S. More details can be found here(/discord/xsadagnb9s).
Contact Weploy.ai support via email: [email protected].
Access your Weploy.ai account here: https://www.app.weploy.ai/
Explore Weploy.ai pricing: https://www.weploy.ai/#pricing
Connect with Weploy.ai on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/weployai/
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Check out Weploy.ai on GitHub: https://github.com/desentio/weploy-translate
Weploy.ai is a platform designed for quick app translation into any language. It features an open-source npm package and a free API key to streamline the translation process, using AI to simplify i18n.
To use Weploy.ai, follow these steps: 1. Obtain a free API key by setting up a project. 2. Install the npm package from Weploy.ai. 3. Let the AI handle the translation of your app’s content. You can adjust the translations manually if they don't meet your expectations.
The npm package scans for visible text in the project and sends it to the backend, where GPT-4 performs the translation. The translated content is then returned and integrated into the app.
Adjustments can be made in the npm package’s configuration file. Additionally, use the class 'weploy-exclude' to prevent specific elements from being translated.
Report any bugs to [email protected].
For high traffic, an additional fee of $0.001 per request is applied after the monthly allowance of 10,000 requests. A notification is sent before reaching the limit.
Weploy.ai accepts most credit and debit cards.
Translations are stored on a server in Germany.
Weploy.ai currently supports React and Next.js, with plans to expand support to other frameworks.