First AI-mployee for Website Browsing and Data Collection is the first AI-mployee that can browse websites and collect data for you.

Visit Website First AI-mployee for Website Browsing and Data Collection
Directory : AI Data Mining, Web Scraping, AI Advertising Assistant, AI Lead Generation, AI Document Extraction Website screenshot

What is is a powerful AI tool designed to simplify web data collection by automating the browsing and extraction process.

How to use

1. Import Websites: Start by providing with a list of target websites. Don’t have one? Let Scrap search for relevant sites on your behalf through Google.

2. Specify Data Needs: Define the type of data you need to collect with a simple description, and Scrap will gather it for you efficiently.

3. Customize Your Workflow: Adjust where Scrap delivers your data, decide on the number of pages to browse per site, and more to fit your unique needs.'s Core Features

Advanced Data Collection

Automated Web Browsing

Precise Data Extraction

Efficient Lead Generation

In-depth Market Research

Comprehensive Competitor Analysis's Use Cases

Lead Generation

Market Research

Competitor Analysis

Data Scraping

Crafting Digital Infoproducts

FAQ from

What is is an AI assistant that autonomously browses websites and collects data based on your input.

How to use

1. Import websites: Begin by uploading a list of websites for Scrap to scrape. If you don’t have one, Scrap can search Google to find sites for you!

2. Choose data to collect: Create a description of the data you want, and Scrap will locate it for you.

3. Personalize your flow: Decide where to send the data, how many pages to browse per site, and more!

4. Enjoy: Scrap will take care of everything, allowing you to check each website's progress through an easy-to-use interface.

When will the app be released?

The first version is expected to launch within the next few weeks, depending on progress.

Why should I buy in Beta instead of waiting for the final release?

Purchasing in Beta gives you access to a significant discount, a lifetime license extension, and the opportunity to influence the app's development. You'll also be one of the first to own an AI-powered assistant while supporting an indie developer.

One-time payment?

Yes, is available for a one-time payment with no subscriptions required. However, a subscription-based web app version may be introduced later.

What API keys do I need?

You'll need an OpenAI API key for AI processing and a Google Search API key for web browsing. The app will guide you through obtaining these keys if needed.

Can Scrap access every website?

Scrap can access most sites, including those that load via JavaScript, but it cannot access password-protected or restricted content.

What happens after one year?

After a year, you'll still be able to use the app, but without receiving the latest updates unless you renew your license at a discounted rate.

Do you support MacOS and Windows?

Yes, supports both MacOS and Windows and is currently undergoing beta testing.

Can I get a refund?

If you're not satisfied or the app doesn't meet your needs, you can request a refund, even after using it.

What does SCRAP mean?

SCRAP stands for 'Smart Collection & Retrieval AI Processor.'