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Product Name : Key Features
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What is Prompter?

Prompter is an online tool that allows users to display text or scripts on a screen, making it ideal for improving the delivery of live speeches, presentations, or performances.

How to use Prompter?

Key Features of Prompter

Text and script display

Personalized display settings

Automatic scrolling feature

Compatible with screens and projectors

Use Cases for Prompter


Public speaking

Theatrical performances

FAQ from Prompter

What is Prompter?

Prompter is an online service that enables the display of text or scripts on screens for live presentations, public speaking, or performances.

How do I use Prompter?

Upload your script or text, customize the display, and connect your device to a screen or projector. Prompter will handle the rest by scrolling the text automatically.

What are the main features of Prompter?

Prompter offers text display, customizable settings, auto-scrolling, and compatibility with screens and projectors.

What are some common uses of Prompter?

Prompter is widely used for presentations, speeches, and live performances where a visual aid is needed.

What are the pricing options for Prompter?

Prompter offers several plans, starting at $10 per month for basic access, $20 per month for professional features, and $50 per month for enterprise solutions.