Pixmo: 24/7 Digital Asset Protection for Creative Industries

Pixmo: Protect your creative assets from theft and copyright infringement 24/7 with our advanced digital asset management and internet scanning.

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Pixmo: 24/7 Digital Asset Protection for Creative Industries
Directory : AI Detector, AI Image Recognition, Web Scraping, AI Advertising Assistant, AI Content Detector

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What is Pixmo?

Pixmo is a dedicated digital asset management solution designed for the creative sector. Its primary function is to safeguard digital assets from unauthorized use and copyright violations by constantly monitoring the web around the clock to detect any unpermitted usage.

How to use Pixmo?

1. Begin by uploading your digital assets to Pixmo's platform.
2. Pixmo’s cutting-edge AI scans the internet to identify exact matches of your assets.
3. Within moments, Pixmo displays the specific URLs where your assets are found.
4. File a takedown request with Pixmo's team and propose a licensing fee for the violator.

Pixmo's Core Features

Continuous automated scanning of the internet to find matches of your digital assets

Intuitive tools for managing and enforcing copyright claims

Immediate visibility of exact URLs where assets are misused

Capability to submit takedown notices through the platform

Option to set a licensing fee for offenders

No charges if Pixmo is unsuccessful in recovering the infringement fee

Pixmo's Use Cases

Interior Designers


OnlyFans Creators

Graphic Designers

E-commerce Businesses

Makeup Artists

All creative professionals with digital assets

FAQ from Pixmo

What is Pixmo?

Pixmo offers digital asset management and protection, scanning the web constantly to prevent theft and unauthorized use of creative assets.

How to use Pixmo?

1. Upload your assets to Pixmo.
2. Let Pixmo’s AI scan the internet.
3. View URLs using your assets.
4. File a takedown request and set a license fee.
5. Pixmo seeks compensation for you.


How does Pixmo protect my digital assets?


Pixmo continuously scans the web and notifies you of any unauthorized use, allowing you to file takedown requests and set licensing fees for violators.


What happens if Pixmo is unable to collect the infringement payment?


If Pixmo is unsuccessful in recovering the infringement fee, you won’t be charged for the service.


Who can benefit from using Pixmo?


Pixmo benefits a wide range of creative professionals, including interior designers, photographers, OnlyFans creators, graphic designers, e-commerce businesses, and makeup artists.


Does Pixmo offer automated scanning of digital assets?


Yes, Pixmo uses advanced AI technology to automatically scan the internet 24/7 for your digital assets, removing the need for manual checks.


How quickly can I find out where my assets are being used?


Pixmo identifies the URLs of unauthorized uses within seconds of asset upload, providing swift and efficient protection.