Kaini - Chrome Extension: Block YouTube Videos with Quick Scene Changes

Kaini - Chrome Extension lets you block YouTube videos with quick scene changes, reducing distractions and eye strain for a smoother viewing experience.

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Kaini - Chrome Extension: Block YouTube Videos with Quick Scene Changes
Directory : AI Image Recognition, Browser Extension

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What is the Kaini Chrome Extension?

Kaini is a browser extension designed to automatically detect and block YouTube videos with frequent and rapid scene changes.

How to install and use the Kaini Chrome Extension?

Key Features of the Kaini Chrome Extension

Automatic detection of fast scene transitions

Blocks videos with potentially disruptive or harmful content

Who can benefit from the Kaini Chrome Extension?

Individuals looking to avoid seizure-triggering videos

Frequently Asked Questions about Kaini - Chrome Extension

What does Kaini do?

Kaini detects YouTube videos with rapid scene changes and blocks them automatically.

How do I get started with Kaini?

Install the Kaini Chrome extension to begin filtering videos automatically.

What technology does Kaini use to detect rapid scene changes?

Kaini employs sophisticated algorithms to identify sudden transitions in video content.