ChatTTS - Chrome Extension: Voice Generation Model on GitHub

Transform text into lifelike speech with ChatTTS, the Chrome extension powered by GitHub's advanced voice generation model. Try it today!

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ChatTTS - Chrome Extension: Voice Generation Model on GitHub
Directory : Text-to-Speech, AI Speech Synthesis, AI Customer Service Assistant, AI Reply Assistant, AI Response Generator, AI Chatbot, Large Language Models (LLMs), Browser Extension

ChatTTS - Chrome Extension Website screenshot

What is the ChatTTS Chrome Extension?

ChatTTS is an open-source voice generation model available on GitHub at the 2noise/chattts repository. It allows developers to integrate advanced text-to-speech capabilities directly into their Chrome browser extensions.

How to Use ChatTTS Chrome Extension?

Core Features of ChatTTS Chrome Extension

Voice Synthesis

Seamless GitHub Integration

Use Cases for ChatTTS Chrome Extension

Voiceovers for Video Content

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about ChatTTS

What is ChatTTS?

ChatTTS is a voice generation model hosted on GitHub, specifically designed for text-to-speech applications. The repository is located at 2noise/chattts.

How can I use ChatTTS?

To use ChatTTS, simply clone or download the project from GitHub, install the necessary libraries, and follow the setup guide.

Where is the ChatTTS GitHub Repository?

The GitHub repository for ChatTTS is located at 2noise/chattts.