Backengine: Build Apps Fast Using Natural Language, No Code Needed

Transform conversations into deployed software with Backengine. Build apps in minutes using natural language—no coding or infrastructure needed.

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Backengine: Build Apps Fast Using Natural Language, No Code Needed
Directory : AI Landing Page Builder, No-Code&ampLow-Code, AI API Design, AI Developer Tools, AI Builder, AI Designer

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Introducing Backengine

Backengine is a groundbreaking platform that transforms your ideas into functional software through conversation. By utilizing natural language, you can build a fully operational application within minutes, eliminating the need for coding or managing infrastructure.

Getting Started with Backengine

Key Features of Backengine

Instant Postgres Database Setup

Ready-to-Use Backend API

Secure JWT Authentication

Dynamic Next.js Frontend

Rapid Backend Deployment

Practical Applications of Backengine

Developing Internal Tools

Building Social Media Applications

Creating SaaS Solutions

Launching Side Projects

Frequently Asked Questions about Backengine

What is Backengine?

Backengine is an innovative platform that lets you create software from conversations. It enables you to develop applications quickly using natural language, without requiring coding or infrastructure management.

How does Backengine work?

Simply describe your idea or concept, and Backengine will convert it into a full-stack application with a Postgres backend and a Next.js frontend. No coding is needed, and you can customize the frontend as per your requirements.

What is the cost of Backengine?

Currently, Backengine is free for a select group of beta users. To get early access, provide your email and project details. Upon public release, it is expected to cost around $70 per month for a full-stack application.

Can I customize or move my project?

Backengine offers a managed Postgres database, allowing direct access for any necessary changes. Additionally, you have complete control over the frontend stored in your GitHub account, enabling you to modify or deploy it elsewhere if desired.

When will Backengine be available?

Backengine is accepting a limited number of beta users. To get early access, submit your email and project details. A referral can increase your chances of acceptance.

What kinds of applications can I create with Backengine?

You can build various applications, including CRUD-based tools, social platforms, SaaS products, and side projects. For more complex projects, Backengine can still manage most of the development stack.

Can I integrate Backengine with my current tech stack?

Integration with existing stacks is in development. Contact the Backengine team if you're interested in testing this feature.