Albato: Integrate Apps, Automate Workflows, Eliminate Manual Tasks
Streamline your workflows with Albato. Effortlessly automate tasks and integrate apps using our intuitive builder, freeing your team to focus on what matters most.

What is Albato?
Albato allows you to seamlessly connect your applications to automated workflows using a user-friendly interface. Our platform enables teams to bypass manual tasks and avoid the hassle of finding technical solutions, letting you concentrate your budget and efforts on crucial activities.
How to use Albato?
Albato's Core Features
SaaS ecosystem, API integrations, 24/7 support, simple UI
Albato Support Email & Customer Service Contact & Refund Contact
Reach Albato's support team at: [email protected].
Albato Company
Company name: Albato Limited
Address: José Adelino dos Santos, no 2B, Setúbal, Portugal.
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FAQ from Albato
What is Albato?
Albato enables you to integrate your applications into automated workflows effortlessly, using an intuitive builder. We help teams eliminate manual tasks and the complexity of finding technical solutions, so you can dedicate your budget and time to essential tasks.
How to use Albato?
Automate your workflow by connecting the apps you use every day. Albato's no-code integration platform includes over 500 apps and 27,000+ automation scenarios.
How do I connect my most-used apps?
Easily link your favorite apps using Albato's no-code integration platform.
How can I automate tedious tasks?
Use Albato to automate repetitive tasks and eliminate the need for manual work.
Are there enough integrations available?
Yes, Albato offers more than 500 apps and 27,000+ automation scenarios for various integrations.
Do I need programming skills to use Albato?
No, Albato is a no-code platform, so you don't need any programming skills to use it.
Is there customer support available?
Yes, Albato provides 24/7 customer support in multiple languages.